Module Contents#
Version of the flooding model in which the user can play around with the parameters. |
Show an explanation, if it was not already shown. |
- ruins.apps.extremes._INTRO_EN#
- ruins.apps.extremes._INTRO_DE#
- ruins.apps.extremes.user_input_defaults()#
- ruins.apps.extremes.timeslice_observed_data(dataManager: ruins.core.DataManager, t1, t2, slr)#
- ruins.apps.extremes.create_initial_x_dataset(tide_data, hourly_recharge)#
- ruins.apps.extremes.create_model_runs_list(all_kge_canal_par_df, kge, canal_flow_scale, canal_area, x_df, advance_pump, maxdh)#
- ruins.apps.extremes.flood_model(dataManager: ruins.core.DataManager, config: ruins.core.Config, **kwargs)#
Version of the flooding model in which the user can play around with the parameters.
- ruins.apps.extremes.concept_explainer(config: ruins.core.Config, **kwargs)#
Show an explanation, if it was not already shown.
- ruins.apps.extremes.main_app(**kwargs)#