
Module Contents#


windpower_distplot(→ plotly.graph_objects.Figure)

Plot the actions projected to climate models

ternary_provision_plot(→ plotly.graph_objects.Figure)

Make a ternary plot of the three turbines shares on the axes and the provisioned Windpower as contours

management_scatter_plot(→ plotly.graph_objects.Figure)

ruins.plotting.windpower.windpower_distplot(actions: List[pandas.DataFrame], names: List[str] = None, fig: plotly.graph_objects.Figure = None, fill: str = None, showlegend: Union[bool, List[bool]] = False, colors: Union[str, List[str]] = None, col: int = 1, row: int = 1) plotly.graph_objects.Figure#

Plot the actions projected to climate models

ruins.plotting.windpower.ternary_provision_plot(dataManager: ruins.core.DataManager, filter_: dict = {}, turbines: List[str] = ['e53', 'e115', 'e126'], colorscale: str = 'Cividis', showscale: bool = True) plotly.graph_objects.Figure#

Make a ternary plot of the three turbines shares on the axes and the provisioned Windpower as contours

ruins.plotting.windpower.management_scatter_plot(data: pandas.DataFrame = None, scenarios: List[Tuple[float, float, float]] = None, x: str = 'ce', y: str = 'up', fig: plotly.graph_objects.Figure = None) plotly.graph_objects.Figure#