Alex will das dokumentieren….
Module Contents#
Select a station. |
Select a temporal aggregation. |
Decide whether to include or exclude climate projects. |
Select a station, a temporal aggregation and if climate projections |
- ruins.components.data_select._TRANSLATE_EN#
- ruins.components.data_select._TRANSLATE_DE#
- ruins.components.data_select._VIDEO_SOURCES#
- ruins.components.data_select._map_wrapper(dataManager: ruins.core.DataManager, config: ruins.core.Config, expander_container=st.sidebar, add_caption: bool = True, **kwargs)#
- ruins.components.data_select.selected_station_selector(dataManager: ruins.core.DataManager, config: ruins.core.Config, expander_container=st.sidebar, **kwargs)#
Select a station.
- ruins.components.data_select.temporal_agg_selector(dataManager: ruins.core.DataManager, config: ruins.core.Config, expander_container=st.sidebar, **kwargs)#
Select a temporal aggregation.
- ruins.components.data_select.rcp_selector(dataManager: ruins.core.DataManager, config: ruins.core.Config, expander_container=st.sidebar, elements: Union[str, List[str]] = '__rpc__', **kwargs)#
Decide whether to include or exclude climate projects. If climate projections should be included, the user can select one of the projections.
- ruins.components.data_select.data_select(dataManager: ruins.core.DataManager, config: ruins.core.Config, expander_container=st.sidebar, **kwargs)#
Select a station, a temporal aggregation and if climate projections should be included. If we are either not in story_mode or if all of the above are already selected, new data can be selected in a selectbox in the sidebar (compact_selector()). Otherwise data is selected step by step alongside with explanations.
- ruins.components.data_select.debug_main(**kwargs)#