
Module Contents#


turbine_footprint(turbine[, unit])

Calculate the footprint for the given turbine dimension. The turbine can

upscale_windenergy(→ numpy.ndarray)

Upscale the given turbines to the site.

load_windpower_data(→ pandas.DataFrame)

Load the raw windpower simulations and apply a MultiIndex. The rows are indexed


Windpower management options (actions) upscaling.

crra(→ Tuple[float])

Von Neumann-Morgenstern constant relative risk aversion (CRRA).

atk(→ Tuple[float])

Atkinson's inequality aversion (ATK).

create_action_grid(→ Tuple[list, list])

Create a grid of management actions by balacing all three turbine types.

uncertainty_analysis(→ pandas.DataFrame)

Run the uncertainty analysis for a list of provisioned windpower scenarios. Each



ruins.processing.windpower.turbine_footprint(turbine: Union[str, Tuple[float, int]], unit: str = 'ha')#

Calculate the footprint for the given turbine dimension. The turbine can be either specified by rated power and rotor diameter, or by one the the type names: E53, E115, E126.

  • turbine (str or tuple) – Either the turbine name or a tuple of (rated power, rotor diameter)

  • unit (str, optional) – The unit of the returned footprint. Either ‘ha’ or ‘km2’. Defaults to ‘ha’.


  • area (float) – The area of the turbine in the given unit.

  • mw (float) – The rated power of the turbine in MW.

ruins.processing.windpower.upscale_windenergy(turbines: List[Union[str, Tuple[float, int]]], specs: List[Tuple[float]], site: float = 396.0) numpy.ndarray#

Upscale the given turbines to the site. Pass a list of turbine definitions (either names or MW, rotor_diameter tuples.). The function will apply the specs to the site. The specs can either be absolute number of turbines per turbine or relative shares per turbine type. Returns a tuple for each turbine type.

  • turbines (list) – List of turbine definitions. Either names or MW, rotor_diameter tuples.

  • specs (list) – List of the upscaling specifications. For this, the share of each turbine in the turbines list, a area share has to be specified. Ideally, these should at most sum up to 1.

  • site (float, optional) – Site area in ha. The upscaling will apply the specified area share to each turbine type and return the maximum number of possible turbines.


results – A list of tuples per turbine type. (n_turbines, total_area, total_mw)

Return type:

List[Tuple[float, int, float]]

ruins.processing.windpower.load_windpower_data(dataManager: ruins.core.DataManager, joint_only: bool = False) pandas.DataFrame#

Load the raw windpower simulations and apply a MultiIndex. The rows are indexed by all years contained in the climate simulations. The coluns group the single simulations by Turbine type, global circulation model (GCM), regional climate model (RCM), and the CO2 scenario (RCP).

  • joint_only (bool) – If True, only data for 16 joint simulations are returned (combinations of global circulation model (GCM), regional climate model (RCM) and ensemble available for all three RCPs).

  • Returns

  • df (pd.DataFrame) – Result dataframe with all contained years as row index and a simulation type as column index.

ruins.processing.windpower.windpower_actions_projection(dataManager: ruins.core.DataManager, scenarios, site: float = 396.0, filter_={}) Tuple[List[pandas.DataFrame], List[Tuple[int, float]]]#

Windpower management options (actions) upscaling. This function can be used to specifiy several scenarios, how the three windturbines E53, E115, E126 are balanced out. For each of these scenarios, the function will return a pandas dataframe with the provisioned windpower for each of the three turbines and each year. The used climate scenarios can be filtered by GCM, RCM, RCP or to only use combinations of GCM RCM and ensemble, that are available for all RCPS (N=16). The windpower data for each model combination that fits the filter will be concatenated, thus there can be duplicate rows.

  • dataManager (DataManager) – DataManager instance to obtain the model data.

  • scenarios (list) – List of scenario specifications.

  • site (float, optional) – Site area in ha.

  • filter (dict, optional) – Filter to apply to the scenarios. The filter can contain the keys: ‘gcm’, ‘rcm’, ‘rcp’, ‘joint’.


  • actions (List[pd.DataFrame]) – List of dataframes for each scenario.

  • dim (List[tuple]) – The applied dimenisoning (number of turbines) for each scenario

ruins.processing.windpower.crra(payoff: numpy.array, gamma: float = 1.0, p: List[float] = None) Tuple[float]#

Von Neumann-Morgenstern constant relative risk aversion (CRRA). Returns the expected utility, certainty equivalent, expected value and the risk premium assocaiated to a management decision, based on an array of payoffs.

  • payoff (numpy.array) – The payoff array includes all possible outcomes of the decision.

  • gamma (float) – Risk aversion factor. If higher, the decision maker is willing to take more risk.

  • p (List[float]) – List if probabilities associated to the payoffs. If None (default), all payoffs are euqally probable.


  • eu (float) – Expected utility (E[U(x)]) is the probability weighted sum of utilities associated with each possible payoff.

  • ce (float) – certainty equivalent (CER) is the sure amount of payoff that is as desirable to the decision-maker (same utility) as the risky outcome.

  • ev (float) – Expected value (EV)

  • rp (float) – Risk premium (RP) sure amount of payoff that one is willing to forego at maximum to reach a situation of certainty


Translation of the R function CRRA.leila from taken from R-code Laila (Appendix 8, Master Thesis, 2020)

ruins.processing.windpower.atk(ce: Union[numpy.array, float], alpha: float = 0.75) Tuple[float]#

Atkinson’s inequality aversion (ATK).

  • ce (numpy.array) – possible payoff vector, usually the certainty equivalent (CER) of the payoff vector

  • alpha (float) – Uncertainty aversion coefficient. If higher, the decision maker is more risk averse.


  • u (float) – Utility (U(x)) is the utility associated with the payoff vector.

  • up (float) – Uncertainty premium (UP) is the average payoff that the decision-maker would demand in order to willingly take on uncertainty


Translation of the R function Atk from taken from R-code Laila (Appendix 8, Master Thesis, 2020)

ruins.processing.windpower.create_action_grid(dataManager: ruins.core.DataManager, resolution: float = 0.1, filter_: dict = {}) Tuple[list, list]#

Create a grid of management actions by balacing all three turbine types. The function balances the area occupied by each turbine type in steps of resolution. The grid is created for all possible combinations, wich sum up to 100% of the area.

  • dataManager (DataManager) – RUINS data manager instance to load the wind provisioning dataset.

  • resolution (float, optional) – Resolution of the grid. The default is 0.1. Has to be bewteen 0 and 1.

  • filter (dict, optional) – Filter to apply to the wind provisioning dataset. The default is no filter. Possible to load only joint datasets, fitler by GCM, RCM, RCP or slice to years


  • actions (List[pandas.DataFrame]) – Returns a dataframe for each management action. Each dataframe represents the provisioned windpower for each turbine type and year.

  • scenarios (List[Tuples[float, float, float]]) – Returns tuple for each management option. The tuple contains the area shares for each of the turbines associated with the action.

ruins.processing.windpower.uncertainty_analysis(actions: List[pandas.DataFrame], gamma: float = 1.2, alpha: float = 0.75) pandas.DataFrame#

Run the uncertainty analysis for a list of provisioned windpower scenarios. Each scenario represent the outcome of a management option.

  • actions (List[pandas.DataFrame]) – List of provisioned windpower scenarios. Each scenario represents the outcome of a management option.

  • gamma (float, optional) – Risk aversion factor. If higher, the decision maker is willing to take more risk. The default is 1.2.

  • alpha (float, optional) – Uncertainty aversion coefficient. If higher, the decision maker is more risk averse. The default is 0.75.


df – Returns a dataframe with the uncertainty analysis results for each scenario.

Return type:
